The Kinesiology Taping technique and Kinesiology Tex Tape was developed in Japan over 25 years ago, as part of a search for a sports taping method to assist in the healing of traumatized tissue. It was concluded that whilst standard taping techniques, such as athletic taping and strapping, provided muscle and joint support, they reduced range of movement, and in many cases actually inhibited the healing process of the damaged tissue.
Kinesiology Taping’s key differentiator is its ability to aid the lymphatic and muscle systems, whilst still supporting the muscles and joints and not inhibiting them. Results have shown that Kinesiology Taping applications substantially reduce recovery times and can improve fitness levels.
How it works …
Kinesiology Tape is now a common sight on many professional football and rugby players; at Wimbledon ; on the Tour de France; and at all International Athletic events. However it is estimated that 85% of applications are on non athletes. Why? Well, here comes the science bit. Kinesiology Tape works by being placed on stretched soft tissue. This causes convolutions on the skin, which have 2 major benefits;
- Making more space underneath the skin for the waste products (lactic acid, interstitial fluid etc) to drain, and;
- Moving the tissue away from nerve receptors, which interrupt the nervous system relaying pain messages to the brain.
To put that in even more simple terms – less swelling, and less pain.
Applied correctly – and I can’t emphasise the application enough – K Tape can aid a weakened muscle, re-establishing your body’s natural biomechanics, or help an overworked muscle, relieving long standing aches and pains.
Kinesiology Tape is latex free and designed to be worn – and remain effective – for 3- 5 days, making it a highly cost effective aid.