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Strength & Conditioning Coaching

Something needs to change.

That’s why you are here, right…?

You’re either here because you are in pain and want to know why, or you want to get stronger and want to know how.

Often, there is a huge overlap between the two.

Strength builds health (1)

I know how easy it is to get stuck where you are.

Maybe you’re in pain and you don’t know whether you are making things worse, or helping yourself.

“I’ll see how it is tomorrow” is your mantra, and suddenly we are weeks or months in, and still struggling to do the things you want to.

Maybe you’ve seen the sea-change and know that getting stronger is key to living a long, healthy life, but you don’t know how to start safely.

“I’ll join a gym soon” is your mantra, but suddenly weeks turn to months and you still haven’t started.

You’ve seen a hundred social media gurus accounts selling a hundred different treatments, or courses, each with a different (often opposing) approach.

Knowing who to trust, who to follow, who to invest your hard earn money in is becoming increasingly difficult.

You have more questions than answers, leaving you feeling all a bit …

I’ll never go viral in the world of Social Media for one simple reason;

I only deal in the honest, simple, straightforward, no BS advice.

Because it is that honest, simple, straightforward, no BS advice which stands the test of time, and gets results.

Talking of results, I have helped 1000’s of people over 15 years to get stronger, feel more robust, more confident, and have less pain – just have a read here.

To enable them to live the life that they choose – not the one that their body allows.


I of course offer in-clinic assessments.


But I also offer online coaching (or in person if you are local enough/willing to travel)

I provide individualised gym or home training programs, designed around your goals & injury history and utilising the equipment that you have access to.

These programs have proved successful for those wanting a life with less pain, or for those wanting a PB or performance gain in their chosen sport.

The bespoke programs are delivered via an app (free to download) with everything in place for you including relevant exercises, sets, reps, tempo – and all accompanied by videos showcasing the correct form.

Cool, huh.

(If you are local, we can arrange an initial/intermittent session/s to allay any form concerns.)

It is like having a coach in your pocket at each strength/gym session, with a messaging service included for when you get stuck

Age is not important; experience is not important.

The most important thing you need – all you need – is the desire to change.

You can choose how much support you get; monthly, 12 weekly, whatever works for you.

I choose not to offer “Discovery Calls”, or “Free Consultations”, as I believe completely in what I can offer.

But yes, like all those other coaches, I do have a maximum number of available places.

Due to my busy clinic, I can not and will not spread myself too thin, which means that if you’re in, you have an absolute result, as you will not be number 50 in my client book.

So……. if you are ready to change, click the button below and let’s schedule an Initial Assessment 🙂

About Danny Clayton

I am practicing Advanced Sports Therapist and Strength & Conditioning Coach, with well over 15 years in the industry. I have worked at all levels of sport, and with every demographic of humans! I am qualified in a broad range of areas, enabling a rounded and unbiased – but always science based – approach. I am not your average S&C Coach; you will never see my deadlifting with no top off for the ‘gram, or screaming in clients faces. I am not your average Sports Therapist, as you will often find me partaking in exercises and activities that are sometimes sold as dangerous, including Olympic Weightlifting. I take my role very seriously, but do not take myself serious at all, so you may need to tolerate some pretty shocking ‘jokes’ along the way.

Speak soon,


Still not sure?

I have 100’s of hours of free content available, including a YouTube Channel with 100’s of videos and educational webinars.

You could do worse than start with this free article on Squatting- Why *your* squat may not look like *their* squat…

  1. Muscular Strength in Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality: A Narrative Review, Cohen et al., 2022