Easy to follow ONLINE Programmes to carry out in your own time and space
I know that face-to-face appointments aren’t always convenient for everyone. And I know that sometimes you just want some guidance to help yourself, rather than booking an appointment in your busy schedule.
I have created ONLINE programs for a range of conditions – including Knee Pain, Shoulder Pain, Ankle Instability and Achilles Pain – which are easy to follow and achievable from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace, and with no need for expensive equipment or gym memberships.
Take back control today.
The Achilles Tendon is a very common area of pain or discomfort and can feel completely debilitating, from hobbling down the stairs in the morning or missing out on group runs.
This completely ONLINE program includes a webinar to help understand which of 2 differing types of Achilles Tendinopathy you may have, how the 2 differ in their recovery, and a 3 stage progressive rehab program to be completed at home, with limited equipment needed.
You will receive LIFETIME ACCESS to this program, which will take you from early to late stage rehab, and will explain why some exercises and stretches may have been limiting – or even inhibiting – your recovery!
Say goodbye to that soreness – start your recovery today!
Ankle strength and mobility has been linked to all manner of musculoskeletal conditions and issues, ranging from developing foot, knee or hip pain – to how deep you can squat!
And we know from extensive research, that once ankles are injured once, they often suffer repeated trauma if not rehabbed effectively.
Gain LIFETIME ACCESS to an at home progressive movement, exercise and education program to be taken at your own pace, with no need for expensive equipment or a gym membership, led by a Therapist with over a decade of helping people regain control of their pain.
In this 8 week progressive program of video tutorial led exercises, I will show you how to build stronger, more robust ankles.
Gain mobility; feel stronger; and start today!

You will receive LIFETIME ACCESS to an at home progressive movement, exercise and education program to be taken at your own pace, with no need for expensive equipment or a gym membership, led by a Therapist with over a decade of helping people regain control of their pain.
6 weeks of progressive rehab programs, with easy to follow video tutorials, to do in your own time, with minimal equipment needed
A 20 minute webinar containing jargon free information about the most common clinical presentations when it comes to knee pain
Learn why your knee hurts, and how to differentiate between the most common causes.
And most importantly, find out what you can start doing today to help yourself become pain-free
…and for all you runners, I have also included my ‘return to running’ post knee injury program – for free!
Includes programs for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, Iliotibial Band Syndrome, Ligament, Meniscus and Arthritic change
Don’t let your sore knees inhibit your life – start your recovery today!

Shoulder pain is highly prevalent in society, with a reported one third of the population suffering at some point in their life.
You will get LIFETIME ACCESS to an at home progressive movement, exercise and education program to be taken at your own pace, with no need for expensive equipment or a gym membership, led by a Therapist with over a decade of helping people regain control of their pain.
This includes a 20 minute webinar to help self-screen and identify why your shoulder hurts, plus access to 8 week programs for those suffering with Frozen Shoulder, Rotator Cuff Tendinopathies, AC Joint pain, or subacromial impingement type pain – or anyone looking to build stronger and more robust shoulders!