What does a video consult include?
I realise that for many people who have been conditioned to ‘rely’ on manual therapies, the thought of a virtual appointment can seem almost laughable. How is someone going to rub your calf better for 6 weeks through a screen?
I have always believed – and openly stated in rooms full of large numbers – that the most important thing that we therapists do, is not
X the massage
X the manipulations
And, the truth is, your calf pain would have reduced over 6 weeks with or without the weekly rub down. It is a brutal, but necessary truth, and the reason I have never advocated this approach.
That is not to say that it would have optimally healed without a Therapists interventions.
But the key to successful rehabilitation – of all pain – is, and always has been:
⇒ Advice
⇒ Reassurance
⇒ Guidance
⇒ Empathy (and a listening ear)
⇒ Education
All of these things can be done via video or phone.
During a video call, I can see you move; I can see you locate your area of pain; I can see you recreate the pain (I do not need my elbow to do this 🙂 ). I can see first hand movements which you can, and can not do.
But more importantly, I can hear you describe your pain; allow you to tell me about your limitations and fears; listen to your history, and your story; and I can advise about what you shouldn’t and – more importantly – should be doing to self-manage.
By sharing screens, I can show you my exact thought process of what your symptoms sound consistent with. I can show you, through video links which I can talk you through, exactly how and why you will get better.
As soon as the call ends, you will receive a completely GDPR (confidentiality) compliant email, with your bespoke Rehab plan, with exercise videos, and individualised reps/sets etc.
Now, more than ever, physical activity is vital to maintain our health. There is no need to be at home frustrated, scared, or feeling at a loss because of your pain.
Movement is medicine.
Advice is key.
Please do contact me (Dan@DC-InjuryClinic.co.uk), or Share with someone who may be suffering. Your support at this time is very much appreciated.